La Mia Tabaccheria in Ardea

La Mia Tabaccheria in Ardea

Published : 01/30/2022 14:31:01 - Categories : The best tobacconists

La Mia Tabaccheria di Ardea (resale n ° 24), managed by Massimiliano Arangio together with his wife Claudia Santilli, was born in 1997. Massimiliano, passionate about slow smoking, decided in 2008 to expand the range of products offered to customers by participating in training courses and events that quickly made him an excellent connoisseur of cigars. In a short time the tobacconist becomes a point of reference for all enthusiasts. The meeting with Alex from the blog "I Fumaturisti" gives him the key to open up to the world of pipes and in particular to Ariberto Paronelli's handcrafted pipes. He was immediately fascinated by them and made them the focus of his tobacconist's shop.

Over time he begins to organize several evenings-events with cigar tasting and it is in one of these events that he meets Cristiano Rizzo, an expert in associations (founder of several non-profit associations at national level). A beautiful and sincere friendship is born between the two that leads them to found a cigar and pipe club or the SLOW SMOKE ARDEA. The association aims to share a passion with serenity and relaxation away from the hectic life and everyday stress. Their intent is not to take the chair and teach something but simply to share their experiences and get to know other enthusiasts like them to spread the concept of slow smoking.

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