The choice of the first pipe

The choice of the first pipe

Published : 06/13/2019 10:21:23 - Categories : Pipe

First of all you must address an expert vendor who can give you appropriate advice and dedicate you a bit of time. It is important not to feel forced to make a hasty purchase. It's also important not to let yourself be influenced by the aesthetic values but rather mind the advice given by the expert. Undoubtedly give preference to briar pipes.

Valuable briar is fine-grained and not necessarily expensive (for beginners we in fact suggest to consider pipes with some grouting or not a very beautiful design). The eye will have its share at a later time, for now it is better not to give too much attention to aesthetic values. What matters most is the functionality of the pipe. Unfortunately too many beginners tend to let themselves be seduced by the look of the pipe and make inappropriate purchases that result in problematic first attempts.

We advice to orientate yourself in buying a classic and linear Billiard (its length can vary from 14 to 17 centimeters, the internal diameter of the bowl must be around 20 millimeters and its height ranges from 25 to 40 millimeters). This shape has been tested and it is easy to smoke. The Pot model is excellent too, as the short and large chamber facilitates combustion.

Avoid curved pipes, as they're not suggested for beginners. These in fact let the saliva seep down the mouthpiece and into the shank, where it will build up. Saliva is particularly abundant in beginners because the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, not yet accustomed to smoking, are slightly irritated, stimulating the salivary glands to produce an increased secretion.

A simple and linear pipe doesn't have to be expensive, especially if it is second choice. Producers are in fact obliged to sell even pipes that have some aesthetic flaws. This doesn't mean they're less valid. Given that the selection takes place right before the finish, most economic pipes have generally the same characteristics as the more expensive ones of the same brand.

Sandblasted pipes are particularly suitable for beginners. They are lighter and less fragile than the smooth ones, and above all, thanks to a greater exposed surface area, cool down faster. Whoever would like to start with good prospects of success, shouldn't buy only one pipe, but at least three: two will be interchanged and one will be kept at rest (the condensation it has absorbed will evaporate).

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