The return of the Albatros pipe

The return of the Albatros pipe

Published : 12/22/2019 11:47:13 - Categories : The world of Paronelli pipes.

It is from the time of the famous pipe Origin pipe of the Butz-Choquin and of the famous pipe Dunhill Duke that the Albatros no longer appears on a pipe. Now Ariberto Paronelli has managed to recover perfectly preserved original Albatros bones from his historic warehouse in Gavirate (VA). The ALBATROS pipe is the latest born in the Paronelli Pipe laboratory. It is a revolutionary pipe. The pipe kit consists of three stoves in three different materials (briar, olive and Bog Oak 5000 years old). Of the extension, as mentioned, in real Albatros bone, we can certainly say that it is more unique than rare. This hollow bone has the advantage of passing the smoke and drying it for a fresh and dry smoke. Albatros is offered in two versions: one pipe for smoking tobacco and another pipe for smoking the Tuscany cigar. The latter is a trend that has been depopulating for many Tuscany smokers for a few years, the use of the pipe makes you appreciate the many facets of the cigar. The pipe for smoking the Tuscany cigar with the bowl il lemon wood, olive wood and Bog Oak is on sale only in the best tobacco shops.

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