The sandblasted pipes

The sandblasted pipes

Published : 01/03/2021 09:50:36 - Categories : Pipe

In recent years we have seen a real boom in sandblasted finish pipes. From the precious natural sandblasted or also called Tanshell (like the famous Dunhill) up to the darker and contrasting shades of recent years.

With rare exceptions, in which sandblasting is carried out solely in order to highlight the particular regularity of the briar fibers (there are specific briar plates on the market that enhance the sandblasting), often, this process is carried out to eliminate small aesthetic surface defects . Through this process the imperfections are eliminated, giving back an aesthetically perfect pipe with a very pleasant workmanship to the touch and sight.

Sandblasting emphasizes the hard fiber, skinning the soft one, highlighting its trend.

To get a nice sandblasted pipe you also need to sand it in the right way. Yes, sandblasting is also an art and not for everyone. Hand sandblasting (i.e. the pipe is passed under a high pressure sand jet or by means of a gun fired at the pipe) is preferred because it allows a more uniform and precise work. This process is used almost exclusively for handmade pipes (such as for Paronelli pipes for sale online on this site or in the best tobacconists) to enhance the qualities of the briar. In the industrial process, where the briar is often lacking in grain, this is done through a rotating basket containing the heads of the pipes and through a jet of sand that works them. Unfortunately, this process is somewhat approximate as not all the surface is worked uniformly. There is a risk of having a pipe that is more sandblasted on one side than the other with the risk of it becoming too thin, exposing it to possible future burns.

There are numerous advantages of sandblasted pipes compared to smooth ones. First of all, they weigh less than smooth pipes due to the elimination of soft material; second significant advantage is the greater surface which allows a greater dispersion of heat thus ensuring a fresher smoke and last but not least they have less deterioration of their surface. In case of accidental fall or rubbing in the pocket with other objects it will be damaged less and less than a smooth pipe. Even contact with sweaty hands does not ruin them, on the contrary, with use the natural sandblast has a uniform natural darkening, while the dark ones will shine on the ribs, lightening and increasing the prominence and beauty of the design.

Speaking in terms of price, I always recommend a sandblasted pipe compared to a smooth one that has points of putty or too many obvious black points. Better a nice sandblasted pipe (perhaps made from a plate with excellent grain) than a smooth pipe with the "neo".

In conclusion, the sandblasted pipe offers lightness, freshness, less external vulnerability, equal duration; and furthermore it presents only the problem of the internal maintenance of the stove. Now you just have to try and confirm my beliefs or not.

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