Make pipe tobacco blends

Make pipe tobacco blends

Published : 03/28/2021 21:10:49 - Categories : Pipe Tobacco

The idea of ​​creating new pipe tobacco blends is inherent in the pipe smoker who wants to "customize" their blend to better suit their tastes. Unfortunately, the Italian pipe tobacco market is rather small, so creating new pipe tobacco blends becomes almost a necessity. But how do you can make a pipe tobacco blend? Once you have chosen the tobaccos you want to mix, you need to arrange everything on a large enough surface to be able to work comfortably. Spread a waterproof plastic sheet on the hob. Extracted from the wrapper, the tobacco must be wisely and patiently mixed (not crumbled, unless it is a cigar), in order to mix the different fibers to obtain an absolutely homogeneous mixture. The final flavor of the blend must be unique.

If you want to add liqueurs or liquids in general to the mixture, you need to introduce the mixture into the tobacco jar, and dispersing the drops over the entire surface, wet layer by layer. It is advisable to keep the jar closed for a few days in order to let the aroma of the humidifier penetrate in all its parts. After about 12 days, open to let the alcoholic part evaporate and the sugary part of the liqueur remains.

When all the tobacco mixture has been introduced into the jar, exert a slight pressure with the closed fist on the terminal surface. This operation serves to compact the pipe mixture and at the same time measure the degree of humidity by seeing how much tobacco will remain attached to the fist. A little will have to remain and if nothing sticks to it, it means that the mixture is too dry and will need to be humidified. The humidity of tobacco is a very important factor often overlooked by many pipe smokers. One of the most important aspects of a good blend is combustion. Tobacco should burn easily without burning too quickly. If the atmosphere is too humid, reduce the humidification of the tobacco with the help of a hygrometer and leaving the container open. If you are afraid that the result of a mixture may not be completely to your taste, in order not to waste too much tobacco, try the mixture by mixing a few grams.

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