How to start a new pipe

How to start a new pipe

Published : 06/16/2019 15:14:29 - Categories : Pipe

The break-in is the most important step so the pipe acquires its unique flavor and becomes “our” pipe.

The blackening process, also known as “culottage”, will form a carbon layer inside the bowl. It will absorb moisture and protect the briar wall.

Some advice treating a new pipe with whiskey, cognac, honey, etc. It's not always necessary.

Remember that the briar is completely dehydrated due to its seasoning, and very fragile at first lightnings.

A prolonged and large fire may damage the pipe.

Here are some simple rules to follow for a perfect breaking in:


1)       For the first five smokes, fill a third of the pipe, tamping quite down the tobacco.

2)       For the next five smokes, fill the pipe with the same technique, only till half of the bowl.

3)       Never scrape the growing carbon layer off during the cleaning of the pipe. The break in would have to start over again.

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